Team: Elisabeth Klein, Andres Meza, Giang Pham, Jacob Hernandez, River Riego
Research: All team members
Copywriting: Elisabeth, Andres, Jacob
Trademark: Andres, Jacob
Packaging: All team members
Website: Elisabeth, Jacob, River
Advertisements: Elisabeth, Giang
Social Media: Giang
Newsletter: Andres
Nuluv is a local goat milk skincare brand that is proud to share 100% machine-free products. Built on traditional family values, Nuluv puts much care into their operation, goats, and employees.
Nuluv originally lacked a cohesive identity in their brand, packaging, social media, and website. Although they sell a variety of good products, Nuluv has way too many inconsistencies to attract a larger audience.
Rebrand the company to create a consistent image, voice, and mission. Our goal is to embrace the handcrafted quality that sets them apart from competitors.
Original Trademark

Refined Trademark

Old Burgundy

Chocolate Milk

Barn House




What I Learned
My group and I narrowed down a specific brand identity and voice that allowed us to maintain cohesiveness, even when we had to design something individually. This project taught me the importance of communication in a group setting. We were always ensuring that everything we designed would tie back to the foundation of the brand’s identity.
Further Development
More community presence
I would develop more touchpoints for community-based events, such as farmer’s market days. As a local family-oriented brand, Nuluv would make many appearances within its community.